360° immersive films and videos by Filmatik in Los Angeles

Specialist in the field of virtual reality, we put our savoir-faire at the service of your company to transport your customers in an immersive 360 ° experience!
Meticulous support
We design and shoot 360 ° video in 8K format with aerial, ground or underwater capture by drone, using the latest technologies of the moment. This technology offers high quality and an immersive experience.
The writing and production are completely reorganized for a new experience: vision and 360° audio for more reality.
Filmatik accompanies its clients at every stage of the film's creation.
From the preparation phase and definition of needs, through the shooting and post-production, to the final delivery on the various distribution media: Android / IOS application, website, video flyer, cinema dome, VR headset, we will be there!
A new freedom of writing and artistic creation
Thanks to virtual reality, the field of vision and possibilities is now limitless. 360° can be used for a variety of needs and applications ranging from simple 360° photography to 360° immersive film; but also for immersive virtual tours or for corporate training purposes.
A unique presentation
Present your company in 360°! Offer your interlocutors an immersive experience of your activity and savoir-faire.
Unlike a classic film, the viewer becomes the director. An amazing production for your corporate film, but also a perfect medium to stand out from the competition. Ideal for broadcasting on a virtual reality headset, the 360° film is an animation that you can set up for your meetings or trade shows.